Illinois Displays Satanic Temple Alongside Nativity Scene In Their State Capitol Building

Illinois Displays Satanic Temple Alongside Nativity Scene In Their State Capitol Building by  Kate Anderson  for Daily Caller News Foundation

GNN Note – You’ve ever wondered why I call them “satanic-globalist”, well, wonder no more. / END

A display at the Illinois State Capitol shows the “Serpent of Genesis” from the Satanic Temple alongside a Christian nativity.

The state capitol has hosted a variety of religious displays including a Jewish menorah and Christian nativity for the last fourteen years. For the past four years, the Satanic Temple has been on display as well, according to the Illinois Radio Network.

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Minister Adam of the Illinois Satanic Temple told the Daily Caller News Foundation that the display is based on a book by Nicolaus Copernicus’ “De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium.”

“Our display revolves around one of the most controversial books of its time…which argued in favor of a heliocentric model of the universe or, in other words, that the earth revolves around the sun and not the other way around,” Adam said. “The display consists of a  leather-bound copy of the text at the center, orbited by knitted apples and a 12-foot serpent handcrafted by our congregation members, which represent the pursuit of forbidden knowledge.”

In 2018, lawmakers attempted to bar the temple from putting up a display. Some argued that since the temple’s display does not celebrate Christmas or any other holiday that it has no place in the annual capitol Christmas display, according to Illinois Capitol News.

Minister Adam said their display “not in opposition with other religions, but in a show of equality and shared space with other religious viewpoints.”

During the dedication of the nativity, sponsored by Business Men in Christ and the Springfield Nativity Scene, Beth Rodgers, representing the Illinois Prayer Caucus, said Jesus prevails in situations like these, according to Illinois Radio Network.

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